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Health & Fitness

Health & Fitness, Outfit of the Week

Fitness in your Thirties

By Juhi Bansal I am the laziest person around. And so, if I have managed to workout religiously for the last couple of months – it..

Health & Fitness

From binge eater to yoga instructor- the story of Dana Falsetti

By Pranshuta Arora(Team CB) ‘I thought I was too big to bend’, the plus size Yogi who fought binge eating and depression reveals how twisting..

Health & Fitness, Yummy Mummy

How to go About Eating Clean!

By Shraddha Kamdar (Guest Blogger) When Team CB asked me to write about Clean Eating, I thought it would be a great platform to share my..

Health & Fitness, On CB's Couch

On CB’s Couch- Milind Soman

By : Juhi Bansal My huge crush on Milind is no secret..so when I met him a few days ago, I was tongue tied to say..

Health & Fitness, Yummy Mummy

It’s a Lose Lose! (and yet a win-win ;) )

By : Juhi Bansal Ever since I posted the following articles on CB, I’ve received so many requests to do a post on “how I lost..

Health & Fitness

The Beauty Benefits of Honey

By Pranshuta Arora Okay so this one’s from my grandma’s secrets. Honey is known to be the healthiest sweetener. But very few of us are..

Health & Fitness

Cut Down Your Calorie Intake and Find A Slimmer You

By Pranshuta Arora (Team CB) Hello gorgeous! I have been thinking of doing a write up on how to stay fit and how to cut..

Health & Fitness

Simple Tips to Get Rid of That Extra Flesh Under Your Chin

By Pranshuta Arora Double chin is a very common affair these days. Flaunting that high neck scarf or top was never so difficult. Hiding that..

Health & Fitness

Rujuta and the Weight Loss Tamasha

By : Juhi Bansal If I have to introduce Rujuta Diwekar to you, you are probably on the wrong page!  Celebrity Nutritionist, food consultant to the..

Health & Fitness

Run Ladies Run-Part Deux

By : Juhi Bansal Hello gorgeous women…as promised I am back with some handy tips to get you into your running shoes immediately. 1. It’s easier..